Friday, 4 January 2013

Happy new year - From the baker's Bra and Niknoknoos Cakery

Well folks it's 2013.  2012 flew by and I really don't know where it went.  In the last year we have lots of excitement, the main part being building work at home.  This was very exciting for me as it gave me somewhere to indulge my hobby.
Over that past few years people have been saying I should set up a business, making cakes etc.  They have also asked if I could put on some classes or offer tuition, so after a lot of thinking, I can report I have actually set up a new business, it is called Niknoknoos Cakery.  The cakery will offer all types of baking and cakes and also if people wish, I can offer tuition.

I'll also be doing some how to guides on the blog, so watch this space.   If anyone has any requests let me know and I will see what I can do.

Niknoknoos Cakery can be contacted by email for orders and enquiries.  I look forward the your requests and emails.  :-)

Once again a Happy New Year and all the best for 2013.  Happy Baking from tha Baker's Bra and Niknoknoos Cakery x